The Films
A Salty Sap
director: William Watson
year: 1926
country: USA
history notes: Unidentified Film No. 006
alternative titles: Amerikanische Erbschaft

This film has been identified thanks to contributions from members of the Lost FIlms community.
Short synopsis: Sailor Billy isn't very bright. His captain sends him to the mainland to replace him at the opening of a will. The inheritance will be paid out to the dumbest member of the family.

Sailor Billy isn't very bright. The other sailors play mean tricks on him and make him wash their dirty laundry [frame scan 1]. However, the captain sends Billy [close-up: frame scan 2] to the mainland to replace him at the opening of the will. The family [frame scan 3] has already gathered. The will demands that the inheritance be paid out to the dumbest member of the family. Thereupon all try to behave as dumb as possible. But only Billy is really dumb! [with an affectionate relative: frame scan 4]

Main title: Amerikanische Verwandtschaft (with sound column, apparently not original)
IT: Unter den Vorfahren von Billy befand sich nicht der Mann der das Pulver erfunden hat. (Among Billy's ancestors was not the man who invented the powder.) / 'Wißt ihr was? -- Wir lassen ihn unsere ganze Wäsche waschen.' ('You know what? -- We'll have him wash all our laundry.') / 'Dunnerkiel! --- Habe ich denn soviel Sachen?' ('Phew! --- Do I have so many things?') / 'Besten Dank, Kamerad! --- Das hast Du gut gemacht.' ('Thanks a lot, mate! --- Great job.') / Brief: Da das Vermögen Ihres verstorbenen Onkels ziemlich beträchtlich ist...' [...] (letter: As the asset of your late oncle is quite considerable...') / 'Ich gebe Dir Urlaub bis 6 Uhr; und Du vertrittst mich bei der Testamentseröffnung!' [...] ('I'll give you holiday until 6 o'clock; and you'll represent me at the opening of the will!')
Jeanpaul Goergen, Deutsche Kinemathek, 22.10.2008
Length: 475m
Format: 35mm, 1:1.33
Picture/Sound: coloured, silent
Notes: 'Gevaert Belgium 3' (title only) and 'Goerz Tenax' edgecodes; German version
Jeanpaul Goergen, Deutsche Kinemathek, 22.10.2008
Related Documents
The star comedian here is Billy Dooley. In the wake of Harry Langdon's success at Sennett Dooley starred in shorts from 1925 to the end of the silent era for producer Al Christie. The images and the synopsis match those contained in the Educational Pictures press sheet for A SALTY SAP. It was produced by Al Christie, distributed by Educational, directed by William Watson, and released on 1/17/1926. The players in the 3rd scan are (from left to right) Eddie Baker, Kalla Pasha, and Blanche Payson. The 4th scan has Amber Normand embracing Billy.
Steve Massa, 18.01.2009
According to the collection documents, the fragment is a slapstick with Harry Langdon from 1924. However, a film with the above described content cannot be found on Langdon's film The Luck o' the Foolish (1924) doesn't match content-wise.
The collection documents further declare 2 reels, but only one reel was found in the can.
An examination of cards of approval held by the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv on films with titles containing 'Billy' did not give any results.
Maybe it could be a fragment of the comedy Lucky Fool (1927) with Billy West? The title would at least match content-wise.
Jeanpaul Goergen, Deutsche Kinemathek, 22.10.2008
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