The Films
Las noches del hombre lobo
director: René Govar
year: 1968
countries: Spain, France
alternative titles: The Nights of the Wolf Man, Nights of the Werewolf
Supposed to be a follow-up film to 1967 Spanish-German co-production "La marca del hombre lobo"/"Die Vampire des Dr. Dracula", both starring actor Paul Naschy.
Story about a werewolf and a mad scientist, set in Paris.
Andreas Huber, 10.01.2009
Paul Naschy (Jacinto Molina Álvarez)
Peter Beaumont
Monique Brainville
Beba Novak
Helene Vatelle

Kin Films

C. Bellard
René Govar
Paul Naschy (Jacinto Molina Álvarez)
Andreas Huber, 10.01.2009
Source notes
Andreas Huber, 10.01.2009
Related Documents
According to rumours surrounding this mysterious film, director René Govar died in a car accident before or shortly after completing the film.

Nowadays, some doubts exist if the movie was made at all. Actor Paul Naschy insists it was made but admits that he has never seen the film.

A website that collects all info regarding this film can be found here:

More information:
Andreas Huber, 10.01.2009
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