id: Unidentified Film No. 144
director: Unknown
year: 1916?
country: Germany?
alternative titles: Hanni und Hilde
Hilde is in love with doctor Hans Behrmann but has to marry her cousin Herbert from her mother and the family. Both Hilde and Herbert do not want to marry each other. Hilde invites a friend, Hanni, to stay over. The mother doesn't like this and wants her to leave as soon as possible. Hanni arrives and while they spent the evening with Herbert and doctor Behrman. Hanni comes up with a plan to change mother's mind. The next day Hilde pretends she is very ill and Hanni has to find a doctor. The only doctor available is the assistant of Dr. Behrmann Fräulein Mayer, which actually is Hanni in disguise. She says it is serious (she calls is "die Schwarze Gefahr", the black danger) and that they need Dr. Behrmann himself to perform an operation if "the blood goes to the head". The mother reluctantly gives in and after he 'saves' her, she allows their relationship and also allows cousin Herbert to marry Hanni.

Note: Hanni is also written as Hanny in the intertitles.
Suzan Crommelin, EYE Film Institute Netherlands, 23.12.2009
No edgemarks, tinting images in yellow and orange, intertitles green.
420 meters, divided in two acts (with beginning and end title at both acts)
The intertitles are in German.
There is an end title and there are the act titles, but no beginning title. The titles have no marks on them.
Suzan Crommelin, EYE Film Institute Netherlands, 23.12.2009
Based on the look of the film (clothing, interior etc.) and because of the (identified) films from the same party of films dating from this period we think the film is from around 1916 (give or take a few years).
Could the girl playing Hanni be Hanni Weisse?
Suzan Crommelin, EYE Film Institute Netherlands, 23.12.2009
According to the main intertitle cited above, this is DIE SCHWARZE GEFAHR, a German film starring Lia (or Lya) Ley, made in 1918. The young woman wearing a dark dress (frame 1) looks like Lia Ley. The film is registered in the German Early Cinema Database. The main actress is not mentioned there, but you can find her name in newspaper advertisements. The smiling actor in the middle of frame 5 is Rolf Brunner who often co-starred with Lia Ley.
Mischa von Perger, 14.03.2020
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