id: The Crossroads of New York
director: F. Richard Jones
year: 1922
country: USA
alternative titles: Das Dorf in der Großstadt
Shows a court case [frame scans 1-9] followed by a scene in a sophisticated restaurant [frame scans 10 & 11]. Evidently a love affair is under negotiation.
Jeanpaul Goergen, Deutsche Kinemathek, 12.05.2010
Length: 215m
Format: 35mm, 1.33:1
Picture/Sound: coloured, silent
Notes: 'Pathe Cinema France' edgecode; Red-orange tint, intertitles black & white
The film is The Crossroads of New York (1922). The woman in the third image is Kathryn McGuire.
The man in image 9 is James Finlayson. The judge in image 11 is Charles Murray. The man in image 13 is Noah Beery.
David Kiehn, 09.07.2010
Main title is missing. "Das Dorf in der Großstadt" is the title given on the can. The existing material comprises intertitles 118 - 150. From the style it could correspond to an American production from around 1925.
Jeanpaul Goergen, Deutsche Kinemathek, 12.05.2010
David is absolute correct in all his identifications. To these I can add: in image 1, man at far left behind table is Billy Bevan, main in light suit in foreground right is George O'Hara. O'Hara is also in image 5. Man in image 7 is Robert Cain. Images 17-22, woman is Ethel Grey Terry.
Brent Walker, 09.07.2010
Also, I believe the man in the center left foreground of image 1 (next to Bevan, but with a gap between them) is Ben Deely.
Brent Walker, 09.07.2010
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