id: Unidentified Film No. 213
director: Unknown
year: 1905-1915
country: Unknown
alternative titles: Het luciferverkoopstertje (Dutch Title)
DRAMA. Based on the Hans Christian Andersen story. The little match girl returns to her slum dwelling. She eats some bread and cries. Her drunken father is thrown out of the inn and he returns home where he threatens the girl if she does not sell her matches. She is forced out into the cold, wintery night. No one will buy her matches and a boy steals her shoes. She strikes a match to keep warm and sees a vision of a fireplace and food. She strikes another and sees a Christmas tree. She strikes her last match and sees a vision of her mother. The child dies and her mother takes her to heaven (English text taken from BFI website)

Translated title: The Little Match Girl / La Petite marchande d'allumettes / Das kleine Maedchen mit den Schwaefelhoelzern.
Possible identification: The Little Match Girl (Percy Nash, UK,1914)
Format: 35mm, full frame
Country: [?]
Year: 1905-1915
Language: Dutch intertitles
Length: 171 mtrs.

Submitted by EYE Film Institute Netherlands
Suzan Crommelin, EYE Film Institute Netherlands, 15.12.2010
Please note that this is a different film than what is posted on youtube as being the 1902 version:
Elif Rongen, 19.12.2010
Luke McKernan is saying:
Given the Urban name on the title (which I should have thought about the first time), it is most likely to be THE LITTLE MATCH SELLER'S CHRISTMAS, which is the English title for an Eclipse film made in 1910. I don't have the French title.

These are the Andersen/Match Girl films listed in Denis Gifford's Books and Plays in Films 1896-1915:

THE LITTLE MATCH SELLER (Williamson, December 1902)
THE POOR LITLE MATCH GIRL (Goodfellow, March 1908)
THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL (Neptune, December 1914)
Luke McKernan
Elif Rongen, 20.12.2010
In case it helps, here is a very short synopsis of THE LITTLE MATCH SELLER'S CHRISTMAS taken from the Colorado Springs Gazette of January 1st, 1911, p.7:

"'The Little Match Seller's Christmas,' adapted from Hans Andersen's well-known story. A film that makes an instant appeal to the spirit of benevolence abroad at Yuletide. Telling of Little Nellie's hardships and happiness on Christmas Eve. When almost frozen, having used her meager stock of matches with which to warm her fingers, she falls into the hands of good people who make both her and her mother happy."

If nothing else, this at least seems to indicate a rather different fate for the child and her mother compared to the BFI description above.
Robert Kiss, 23.12.2010
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