id: Unidentified Film No. 248
director: Unknown
year: Unknown
country: Unknown
B/W mos print, Gevaert Belgium edgecode, complete. Information per title cards: LES AVENTURES DE HUTCH / L’AS DES REPORTERS (translation: Ace Reporter). Plot synopsis: By Lake Huntington (in the forest), William Cosgrove and his daughter talk. Meanwhile, the men at "Hemper Lumber Co." conspire. They decide to kidnap Mr. Cosgrove. He is tied to a boat rigged with explosives. Hutch turns up and rescues him. The bad guys are caught by the sheriff's posse, and Hutch reunites William Cosgrove and his daughter.
Could this be: 1) Lightning Hutch (1926) a serial. 2) Go Get ‘Em Hutch (1922) serial. 3) Hurricane Hutch in Many Adventures (1924) a serial. 4) Or one of the Hutch movies/shorts?
This is 1926 "The Merry Cavalier".See American Film Insti-
tute Catalogue F2.3567. In the original film the character is
not Hutch, but Dick.
Richard Talmadge is in Frame 1 and 2
Charlotte Stevens in Frame 1 and 5
The identification of the other actors should be easier for
American historians.
Werner Mohr, Berlin
Werner Mohr, 10.06.2016
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