id: Unidentified Film No. 264
director: Unknown year: Unknown country: Unknown The kids in this movie MAY be the same gang of kids in CAPTAIN KIDD’S KITTENS…
B/W mos print, Gevaert Belgium edgecode, French intertitles, missing hundreds? of feet at both heads and tails including all opening and closing credits. Plot synopsis: A bunch of neighborhood kids hang out. One carries a sign "Come to my sister's wedding at 2:30 everybody welcome," while another shoots an arrow through a bag of rice. The older sister appears and the children prepare for the wedding. Some come dressed up, one rides a cart driven by a goat, but two aren't let in because of their shabby appearance. The two boys decide to steal the clothes of two other boys (one's dressed very Buster Browne) and they join in. Of course chaos ensues as these kids run all over the wedding. This film is the 1926 McDougal Alley Kids short GETTING HITCHED, directed and produced by Joe Rock for Bray Productions. RICHARD M ROBERTS richard roberts, 27.11.2012 The boy in the film is Wesley Barry Vera Iwerebor, 13.08.2014 The Boy in frame 4 is Mickey Daniels!!! There is a like-
ness to Wesley Barry, but, sorry, it's not him. The film seems to be from the "Our Gang" series. Werner Mohr, 16.03.2015 The views expressed here belong to the author of the comment and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Deutsche Kinemathek.